zQR- Open Source Zenon QR Codes

3 min readMar 29, 2021


Send money with monkeys


*Easy QR code generation from any Zenon Address

*Simple API

*Interoperability with zApp universe — embedded zQR codes within any zApp




THE QR code generator for zAliens

zQR is a lightweight easy-to-use, open-source, QR code generator, with integrated meme functionality designed for the Zenon universe of zApps.

zQR provides an API for other zApps to integrate QR functionality (e.g. @z_onum zqr could display your favorite zQR image)

zQR is currently written in Python with code released into the public domain -https://github.com/Clonewar57/zQR

zQR can be used in many potential public outreach projects



Simple API for embedding zQR codes in any zAPP:

zqr(‘Zenon address’,…)

Options: Type of zQR frame to display, height and width of output QR code



zqr(‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’, z = ‘meme_gorilla’, height = 480, width =640)


Community Engagement

zQR will be promoted by two primary engagement projects, a beta test and a logo contest.

Beta Test

To promote awareness and test zQR, a beta test will be conducted within the community of Zenon Telegram and Twitter group members. Users who post their own zQR code will receive 1 ZNN up to a cap of 100 unique users.

Logo contest

A logo contest will be conducted to select the default zQR frame design.

This will allow further community engagement and offer users a chance to personalize the zQR code.

zQR Logo Contest Rules:

Users submit designs with an image containing their own ZNN QR code which will be turned into a template.

ZNN team selects the winner zQRs, with a community voting component.

Top 10 designs included as options in zQR software, and win $znn

Top design becomes default zQR frame and wins $$znn

Example Submissions:

(Contest rules subject to change, Official zQR Contest Rules will be announced when contest begins)


Developer Compensation — 400z

Community Engagement — 250z

Total: 650zzn

Community Engagement:

Beta Engagement

100z — Beta engagement — 1z per user testing zQR

Grand Opening Contest

10z - accepted zQR frame

50z -grand prize for top design

Total — 150z

Winning design becomes default zQR frame


zQR was developed by an Anonymous team of individuals, with specialties in a range of skills including back-end and front-end software development, data analysis, and video production.

The zQR team hopes to work in partnership with the Zenon team for the Community Engagement portion of the project.

Contact — Clonewar@Telegram

